Nutritional Wellness

The Nutritional Wellness Body supports you by providing online counseling with a certified nutritional expert, who shadows you till your goals are met. Poddar Wellness doesn’t believe in fad diets but provides lifestyle changes that are manageable and sustainable by you for good health. It is scientifically assessed and personally delivered. For organisations we focus on creating monthly menus with nutritious options.
Why Is It
Gut health is extremely important for holistic wellbeing. The gastrointestinal tract is sensitive to emotion and can trigger negative brain health, therefore our nutritional health focuses on not only what you eat and how much you eat but how you function in your everyday life. Our team of nutritional coaches ensure that the nutritional plan for you is optimal for your health and body type and is based on your age, gender, and activity level. Most importantly, we emphasize and train our benefactors in mindful eating.